


Ganzfeld experiment - The ganzfeld experiment uses a kind of sensory deprivation to test for psi.
Ghosts - The Spirit Of A Dead Person greys
Giger, H.R. - Famous Sci-Fi Artist
GLUFON - The Global UFO Network.
God - The one and only supreme being, the creator of everything.
Government Secrecy - Lies and Deceit Beyond Belief
Graphology - The study of handwriting, used to determine character.
Greys - The Most Common Reported Alien
Groom Lake - The Lake North of Area 51


Hale-Bopp - Large comet passing through our solar system. halebopp
Haunted Houses - A house that is possessed by satan or a poltergeist.
Hawking, Stephen - Author of "A Brief History Of Time"
Hitler, Adolf - Evil German Dictator
Hollow Earth theory - The theory that the Earth is hollow, containing a race of undeground people.
Horror - Information On Famous Horror Movies
Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon - A sudden spontaneous and mysterious leap of consciousness achieved when a critical mass point is reached.
Hynek Classification System - UFO Sighting Classifications
Hypnosis - A state of conciousness which resembles sleep.


Independence Day - UFO Movie
Implants (Alien) - Many abductees claim to have had 'implants' from their Alien abductors.
Inset Fuel Stabilizer - Fuel used by alien spacecraft.
ISCNI - The Institute For The Study Of Contact With Non-Human Intelligence
IUFOG - Internet UFO Group jupiter


Jack The Ripper - 19th Century Serial Killer
Joy Touch - method of losing weight, relaxing etc.....
Jupiter - The Largest Planet In Our Solar System


Killers - Famous Murderers
Kirlian Photography - Method of Seeing Aura's
Koestler Parapsychology Unit - Edinburgh University's parapsychology department


Lazar, Robert - Claims To Have Worked For The U.S. Government On Secret Projects boblazar
Levitation - The act of rising into the air and floating in apparent defiance of gravity.
Ley-Lines - Alignments of Sacred Sites
Lie Detector - Instrument that simultaneously records changes in such physiological processes as heartbeat, blood pressure, and respiration.
Life On Mars - Possible Evidence of Life On Mars Found In Meteorite
Loch Ness Monster - Scottish Sea Monster
Lucid Dreaming - Dreaming while knowing that you are dreaming.



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